E. M.Y. Lee*, T. Ludwig*, B. Yu, A. Singh, F. Gygi, J. K. Nørskov, and J. J. de Pablo. (*equal contribution) Neural network sampling of the free energy landscape for nitrogen dissociation on ruthenium Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 12, 2954-2962, (2021)
R. H. Gilmore, Y. Liu, N. S. Dahod, W. Shcherbakov-Wu, E. M.Y. Lee, M. C. Weidman, H. Li, J. C. Grossman, and W. A. Tisdale. Epitaxial dimers and auger-assisted de-trapping in PbS quantum dot solids Matter, 1, 250 (2019)
R. H. Gilmore, S. W. Winslow, E. M. Y. Lee, M. N. Ashner, K. G. Yager, A. P. Willard, and W. A. Tisdale. Inverse temperature dependence of charge carrier hopping in quantum dot solids ACS Nano, 12, 7741-7749 (2018)
Y. Xu*, X. Wang*, J. Zhou, B. Song, Z. Jiang, E. M.Y. Lee, S. Huberman, K. K. Gleason, and G. Chen (*equal contribution). Molecular engineered conjugated polymer with high thermal conductivity Science Advances, 4, eaar3031 (2018)
R. H. Gilmore, E. M.Y. Lee, M. C. Weidman, A. P. Willard, and W. A. Tisdale. Charge carrier hopping dynamics in homogeneously broadened PbS quantum dot solids Nano Letters, 17, 893-901 (2017)
A. J. Mork, E. M.Y. Lee, and W. A. Tisdale. Temperature dependence of acoustic vibrations of CdSe and CdSe-CdS core-shell nanocrystals measured by low-frequency Raman spectroscopy Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18, 28797 (2016)
I. Matlahov, T. Iline-Vul, M. Abayev, E. M.Y. Lee, M. Nadav-Tsubery, K. Keinan-Adamsky, J. J. Gray, and G. Goobes. Interfacial mineral-peptide properties of a mineral binding peptide from osteonectin and bone-like apatite Chemistry of Materials, 27, 5562-5569 (2015)
G. M. Akselrod*, F. Prins*, L. V. Poulikakos, E. M.Y. Lee, M. C. Weidman, A. J. Mork, A. P. Willard, V. Bulovic, and W. A. Tisdale (*equal contribution). Subdiffusive exciton transport in quantum dot solids Nano Letters, 14, 3556-3562 (2014)