He Ma
The University of Chicago
Department of Chemistry
5640 South Ellis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637
Phone: (773) 834-7392
Email: mahe at uchicago edu
Former Graduate Student
- B.S. in Chemical Biology, Tsinghua University, China (2015)
- Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Chicago, (2020)
Areas of Interest
- First-principles simulation of defects in semiconductors for quantum information processing, including development of methods to simulate the electronic structure and spin Hamiltonian of defects, theoretical interpretation of relevant experimental observations and exploration of novel defects
- Development of density functional theory and many-body perturbation theory
- 2015-present, Graduate Student, University of Chicago.
- 2014 summer, Visiting Student, University of Minnesota, Prof. Donald G. Truhlar's Group: computational kinetics study of small molecule reactions
- 2011-2015, Undergraduate Researcher, Tsinghua University, Prof. Zhigang Shuai's Group: first principle simulation of charge transport processes in organic semiconductors; development of excited state density matrix renormalization group algorithm.
He Ma, Nan Sheng, Marco Govoni, and Giulia Galli
Quantum Embedding Theory for Strongly Correlated States in Materials
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2021, 17, 4, 2116–2125 (2021)
- M. O. Onizhuk, Kevin C. Miao, Joseph P. Blanton, He Ma, Christopher P. Anderson, Alexandre Bourassa, David D. Awschalom, and Giulia Galli.
Probing the coherence of solid-state qubits at avoided crossings
PRX Quantum, 2, 010311 (2021)
He Ma, Marco Govoni, and Giulia Galli
Quantum simulations of materials on near-term quantum computers
npj Comput. Mater., 6, 85 (2020)
Alexandre Bourassa, Christopher P. Anderson, Kevin C. Miao, Mykyta Onizhuk, He Ma, Alexander L. Crook, Hiroshi Abe, Jawad Ul-Hassan, Takeshi Ohshima, Nguyen T. Son, Giulia Galli & David D. Awschalom
Entanglement and control of single nuclear spins in isotopically engineered silicon carbide
Nat. Mater., 19, 1319-1325 (2020)
He Ma, Wennie Wang, Siyoung Kim, Man-Hin Cheng, Marco Govoni, and Giulia Galli
PyCDFT: A Python package for constrained density functional theory
J. Open Source Softw. 41, 1859 (2020)
He Ma, Marco Govoni, and Giulia Galli
PyZFS: A Python package for first-principles calculationsof zero-field splitting tensors
J. Open Source Softw. 5(47), 2160 (2020)
He Ma, Nan Sheng, Marco Govoni, and Giulia Galli
First-principles studies of strongly correlated states in defect spin qubits in diamond
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Advance Article (2020)
Ngoc Linh Nguyen, He Ma, Marco Govoni, Francois Gygi and Giulia Galli
Finite-field approach to solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 237402 (2019)
Krishnendu Ghosh, He Ma, Vikram Gavini and Giulia Galli
All-electron density functional calculations for electron and nuclear spin interactions in molecules and solids
Phys. Rev. Mat. 3, 043801 (2019)
Samuel J. Whiteley, Gary Wolfowicz, Christopher P. Anderson, Alexandre Bourassa, He Ma, Meng Ye, Gerwin Koolstra, Kevin J. Satzinger, Martin V. Holt, F. Joseph Heremans, Andrew N. Cleland, David I. Schuster, Giulia Galli, David D. Awschalom
Spin-phonon interactions in silicon carbide addressed by Gaussian acoustics
Nat. Phys. 15, 490-495 (2019)
He Ma, Marco Govoni, Francois Gygi and Giulia Galli
A Finite-field Approach for GW Calculations Beyond the Random Phase Approximation
J. Chem. Theory. Comp. 15(1), 154-164 (2019)
Rubén Meana-Pañeda, Xuefei Xu, He Ma, Donald G. Truhlar
Computational kinetics by variational transition state theory with semiclassical multidimensional tunneling: direct dynamics rate constants for the abstraction of H from CH3OH by triplet oxygen atoms
J. Phys. Chem. A. 121(8), 1693-1707 (2017)
Hosung Seo, He Ma, Marco Govoni, and Giulia Galli
Designing defect-based qubit candidates in wide-gap binary semiconductors for solid-state quantum technologies
Phys. Rev. Mat. 1, 075002 (2017)
Yuqian Jiang, Qian Peng, Hua Geng, He Ma, Zhigang Shuai
Negative isotope effect for charge transport in acenes and derivatives – a theoretical conclusion
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17, 3273 (2015)
He Ma, Jiajun Ren, Zhigang Shuai
Comparative study on the methodologies for calculating the excited state in DMRG
Science China Chemistry 45, 1316 (2015)